Amy Abbandondelo Selected Vice-Chair of the NCBA Appellate Committee
(June 2020) Amy Abbandondelo was selected to serve as the 2020/2021 Vice-Chair of the Nassau County Bar Association Appellate Committee,...
- Posted on: Jun 1 2020
(June 2020) Amy Abbandondelo was selected to serve as the 2020/2021 Vice-Chair of the Nassau County Bar Association Appellate Committee,...
(May 2020) Amy Abbandondelo negotiated the vacatur of a lender’s improper sale of its cooperative UCC lien without the need...
(March 2020) Tom Sherwood and Amy Abbandondelo resolved two related actions to foreclose mechanic’s liens, obtaining favorable settlements for the...
(February 2020) Tom Sherwood and Robyn Fearon successfully moved for summary judgment dismissing mortgage lender’s action against lender’s title insurer,...
(February 2020) Following a traverse hearing, Tom Sherwood succeeded in dismissing an action based upon challenged service of process in...
(January 2020) Tom Sherwood and Robyn Fearon successfully negotiated a favorable settlement on behalf of lender in foreclosure action arising...
(January 2020) Amy Abbandondelo obtains outstanding cooperative maintenance fees from deceased shareholder’s lender on behalf of cooperative corporation outside of...
(December 2019) Tom Sherwood and Amy Abbandondelo successfully persuaded the United States to abandon its claim that our client’s mortgage...
(December 2019) Tom Sherwood and Amy Abbandondelo negotiated a favorable settlement on behalf of buyer in contract to purchase a...
(November 2019) We are excited to announce that the firm has moved to a bigger, newly renovated office space located...